Monday, July 25, 2011

The Awaited Agony: Beauty and the Beast - A Gothic Etymology -Part III – The Feast for Beauty

The wax melts to crush a wine*,
His beauty in a valiant* daze…
Her delight writ* a giggle mime,
The midget* unfolds a braise*…

In valiant wits or so her pride,
Beauty frowns to bite a thumb*…
The beast frayed* as her tulips cried,
A cobweb whispered to a frantic* succumb*…

“A recluse is he?” panted Beauty,
“How could him swan a crown*???
Go thither* for his selfless pity,
You’d suffer prey to a woven howl*…”

The Midget anguished beauty’s Disparage,
An ambient liaise mellowed loud…
Weeping stouts burnt a whisker’s carriage*,
Asleep was that farmer’s hound…

The Midget:
“In this Braise blooms his blood,
A rapier* to a woven steed…
Of reckoning, yet a Shrub,
An amble* path of glee…. “

(Ps: This poem was inspired by William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet and a key is also mentioned)

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