Saturday, July 13, 2019

The Awaited Agony: Beauty and the Beast - A Gothic Etymology - Part VI – Beauty's Farewell

A Sleeping tree awakes to dawn set free,
Pigeons fly to proclaim the sky’s essence...
A caterpillar breathes free to a butterfly with glee,
Beauty flays her hair to the Beast’s relish of floral fragrance...

‘With Flower Knitted Beads.’

The Beast weeps of the departing flies,
Beauty’s sympathy he felt were lies.
Craving is cupid for her Blessed eyes,
The Beast fails in courage as he recites her smile...

The shadows awoke to crimson that rode down the path,
 His Stallion wept as the leather in pardon captured its wrath...
The Beast watched as much to love that could last,
His palm bled as the thorns relished his lonely grasp...

Friday, May 24, 2019

The Papa Poem

For World Peace! I Dedicate this Poem for Love and Papa, My Mother Teresa. Ave Maria. 

His Eyelids are free!!
In Peace He smiles back to me..
Call it a Smile, His Eyes are a Blessing,
And his return,
He sings a song to me of courage and strength,,,

He sings to me,
I sing back in return...
I dedicate this poem to Courage...

I miss you so much, That word can’t define in itself...

He is with My Lord and My Blessed Mother, God and Doves...
He writes a precious poem with my Mother and My Best Friend Kavitha,
With Aunt, God Bless All Their Smiles Always in Heaven...

I am a Free Man, Born a Brought up to never give up on my dreams....
I never Will... EVER...Papa taught me to.. I learnt and made my mind fixate.

Saturday, May 11, 2019

The Hope Poem

This poem is dedicated to all who lost their lives due to Hate preached, For Sri Lanka and the lives in Heaven lost due to the Cyclone.

Why is there pain?
Why the Sorrow?
Don’t hate God for the pain.
It’s taught in The Bible, The Quran, The Gita and the Blessings,
I’m reading and till date I’ve have not any preaching of Sorrow.

Hate is never preached,
It’s a man made decibel...
Yet comes the greed in money’s teach,
Least to realize there’s always a Blessed Bell!

From Heaven they smile to us,
I pray in return...
God Bless to Heal Plus,
Hate is never taught in the turn!

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

The Sister Poem

This poem is dedicated to My Sister Lakshmi Priya and her Blessed Home...

Her Eyes sings to the sky,
The sky sings back a poem....
She makes me eat a mile,
She sings life a song in Heaven’s thrum....

Her Hands
boils me Pongal,
Chicken to sing her keerai ping ball....
In a porcelain glass she drops Heaven’s ensemble...
My tongue open’s hunger’s Blessed Stall....

Her eyes is a Blessing,
The thyme is a Brother’s missing...
Her smile is Heaven’s kissing,
A sister she is to me in God’s blessing....

Hope sings to me precious,
She is my Life and my breath...
Her smile is the most gracious,
Plenty I shall rhyme as her arms is the most spacious...