Wednesday, April 10, 2019

The Sister Poem

This poem is dedicated to My Sister Lakshmi Priya and her Blessed Home...

Her Eyes sings to the sky,
The sky sings back a poem....
She makes me eat a mile,
She sings life a song in Heaven’s thrum....

Her Hands
boils me Pongal,
Chicken to sing her keerai ping ball....
In a porcelain glass she drops Heaven’s ensemble...
My tongue open’s hunger’s Blessed Stall....

Her eyes is a Blessing,
The thyme is a Brother’s missing...
Her smile is Heaven’s kissing,
A sister she is to me in God’s blessing....

Hope sings to me precious,
She is my Life and my breath...
Her smile is the most gracious,
Plenty I shall rhyme as her arms is the most spacious...

1 comment:

The Winter Poet said...

Pongal is a popular rice dish, originating from Tamil Nadu. In Tamil "pongal" " means to " boil over " or "spill over".

There are two varieties of pongal, Sakkarai Pongal which is a sweet, and Venn Pongal, made from clarified butter. The word pongal generally refers to spicy pongal, and is a common breakfast food in Tamil Nadu and other south indian states. The rice boiled with milk and jaggery during the Pongal festival is called Sakkaraippongal - this is sweet pongal made specially in earthenware pots with a wood fire.

Indian Keerai spinach is small to medium in size and broad, flat, and oblong in shape. Depending on the specific variety, the leaves can be vibrant green, coarsely textured, slightly wrinkled, and contain a prominent center rib. Indian Keerai spinach leaves also have delicate and thin, crunchy, light green stems. Indian Keerai spinach leaves are slightly astringent when raw, but when cooked, they become tender, sweet, slightly nutty, and a little tangy.